Information Centre
Hearing Matters Australia maintains information pertaining to living with hearing loss, with a focus on services available in Australia.
Click on the headings below to access HMA information sheets.
First Steps to Managing Hearing Loss
A starting point to learn about the impact of hearing loss
Communicating when hearing loss interferes
Information for all impacted by hearing loss - those who live with altered hearing, as well as communication partners
Communication tips when using face masks
Useful communication tips provided courtesy of the Danish Association of the Hard of Hearing
Hearing Assessment
Become an informed user of audiology, online and retail offers of hearing assessments
Confirmed Hearing Loss - Next Steps
What to do after you have a confirmed hearing loss
Hearing Technology 101
Hearing aids and implantable devices explained
Obtaining Hearing Services and Devices in Australia
A summary of public and private services available to those eligible in Australia
Hearing Aid Costs Explained
An explanation of hearing aid costs in Australia
Private Health Funds - cover for audiology, hearing devices and implantable hearing devices
Independent Audiologists Australia (IAA) provides information about private health funds which is updated regularly. The information is available to the public.
Access to NSW Court System
Information for those with hearing loss facing court appearances
Communication Strategies
Useful strategies for all facing communication difficulties due to hearing loss
Bluetooth in Hearing Aids Explained
Confusing Bluetooth technology simply explained
Strategies for Healthcare Professionals
Guidelines for healthcare professionals seeking to make their practices accessible to those with hearing loss
How and where to use captions to supplement spoken communication
Workplace Resources
Useful resources for the workplace
Who is in the Australian Hearing Hub
Useful resources in the AHH you can access
The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
A symbol of support and inclusion
Using the National Relay Service (NRS)
If you have difficulty hearing or speaking to people who use a phone or want to contact someone who has difficulty, the National Relay Service (NRS) can help.